Nina Dobrev Empowering Youth

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Free The Children, spearheaded by Craig Kielburger in 1995 at the tender age of 12, is a cause dedicated to breaking down barriers that hinder youth from realizing their full potential. From combating child slavery to addressing issues of education and hunger, Free The Children endeavors to empower children worldwide. Nina Dobrev, known for her role in raising awareness and funds for the organization, has been actively involved in initiatives such as Me to We volunteer trips and hosting We Day events in Toronto.

Nina’s commitment to Free The Children extends beyond mere participation. As an ambassador for the annual We Scare Hunger campaign, she advocates for raising awareness of hunger issues and supporting Free The Children’s East Africa drought relief efforts. In collaboration with Me to We Style, Nina designed the Hunger Bites t-shirt, with proceeds aiding Free The Children’s humanitarian endeavors in East Africa.

In expressing her profound connection to Free The Children, Nina emphasizes the organization’s transparency and hands-on approach to philanthropy. She highlights the opportunity for direct involvement, enabling individuals to witness firsthand the impact of their contributions in communities around the world.

Introduced to Free The Children by the creators of Degrassi, Nina embarked on a transformative journey to Kenya at the age of 17, where she participated in building a school and interacting with local children. This experience left an indelible mark, shaping her perspective and igniting a passion for humanitarian work.

Central to Free The Children’s ethos is the notion of “kids helping kids,” a sentiment Nina deeply resonates with. She emphasizes the importance of young adults empowering their peers, underscoring the profound impact youth can have in effecting positive change.

Through her unwavering dedication to Free The Children, Nina Dobrev exemplifies the transformative power of youth-driven philanthropy, inspiring others to join the movement towards a more equitable and compassionate world.


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