Welcome post Stars Doing Good

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Hello and welcome to Stars Doing Good! Get ready to be inspired as we take a look at what celebrities are doing to make our world a better place. We aim to be your window onto the lives of the rich and famous. We’ll reveal those celebs who are doing something about the environmental crisis we all face.
Who are the stars doing good? What exactly are they doing? And what can we learn from them about how we live our own lives?
From zero waste living to veganism, to fighting forest fires or promoting sustainable shopping, we’ll bring you the best stories of famous faces who are going green. We’ll show you who is spending their money wisely. We’ll delve into the habits of our favourite famous faces. We’ll bring you news of the tweets, posts and pronouncements stars are making about the environmental emergency. And take note of who is putting their money where their mouth is.

The Power of People
Celebrities are people just like us. Just like us, they have the ability to make choices to make our world a better place. We all have to be the change we wish to see, acting local, thinking global, and caring for people and planet. All individuals have more power than we think we do.
As Greta Thunberg said, ‘no one is too small to make a difference’. We can all play our part. By taking small steps towards sustainability, we can stop doing harm and start doing good.

The Power of Stardom
But stars have something that makes it even easier to affect change – celebrity. Stardom has a power, and being in the public eye should come with certain responsibilities. Stars are important in forming the opinions of the general public. They can be true trend setters. People want to copy them, to be like them – even if it is only in one small way.
Stars are looked up to and admired. They are planetary bodies that pull others into their orbits. In other words, celebrity brings with it the power to change how people think, and perhaps even how they behave.
The power of stardom is a privilege, and should be used in a positive way to make our world better. Stars doing good aims to show which celebrities are using their power to tackle the massive environmental crises we face.

The Latest Causes Célèbres
It seems there are no end of bad news stories. But here at Stars Doing Good, we want to shake you out of that green fatigue. We want to get away from the doom and gloom and focus on action. By checking out what some of our favourite famous figures are doing, we can hear some good news for a change – and be inspired to make changes of our own.
We want to use this blog as a beacon of light, to illuminate good deeds, inspire other celebrities to follow suit, and encourage everyone, whether they are fans of these celebrities or not, to join the causes and do some good in this world.

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